Two years ago I started playing ice hockey with a local women's team. It was simply the most fun I had had in a very long time! Unfortunately, during our third practice this season I was skating and fell and broke my left fibula. It was devastating. Not only because it meant I would miss the entire season but because it had major ramifications to the other roles I play in life, such as mom, wife, and employee. I was unable to go grocery shopping, make dinner, take the train to work, or hold Mia's hand. Thankfully, I'm healing well and have been fortunate to have help from family.
I had been thinking of taking a drawing class and took the opportunity to sign up for one now that I had the time and needed time to heal. The first class was earlier this week and it was interesting. The instructor is from Hong Kong and working on an MFA at Temple University. While it's evident that he doesn't have much teaching experience, I think I'll learn a lot from the class. The other students were a joy to meet and make the class much more interesting. My homework is to do 6 sketches by the next class - I need to get busy!